MBCI launches the STUDIO


With the start of semester 2, we’re excited to launch STUDIO. This three credit course immerses students in a creative, interdisciplinary learning environment, focusing on individualized passion projects and cross-curricular life skills.
To begin the first day, students had 18 minutes to use spaghetti to create the tallest possible, freestanding structure that would support the weight of one marshmallow. Each group planned and strategized well, and waited until the last possible second to place the marshmallow on top.
The result? Epic, predictable failure.
The lesson? Better to fail quickly, and fail often, critiquing and revising along the way, than to trust well-laid out, untested plans.
We’re looking forward to watching our STUDIO students employ this philosophy in meaningful ways with their own projects. Here’s to failure, critique, revision, and eventual success! #ThisisMBCI#highschool#TheStudioMBCI#marshmallowexperiment#buildingsuccess